My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Daryl-Zilla is walking about

Week: 1

I've just hit day three. This is the day where my body has finally realized that something is up. The good times are long gone. I feel like the body is saying: "Where are all the good foods?" "What is with all this exercising?" "Hey where the hell are my sugars?"

Since my body isn't getting the answers it wants, I think every cell in my body is in open revolt. Here are just a few things going on:

  • I can't think. Good grief getting two coherent sentences together takes a lot of effort.
  • I feel cold. I'm usually never cold (with 320lbs I usually feel like I have a small Nuclear furnace under my skin.)
  • I am super tired. I've almost dozed off 3 or 4 times in meetings today and along with this I'm only taking in probably 20% of what is being said.
  • I am hungry. I think this started from this morning when I should've gotten a shake right after my workout. I've had this rolling hunger going on all day. I need to talk about this with my dietician.
  • I am really sore. This I know is not sugar withdrawals but really an effect of exercising. But right now even going down stairs is tough. After my workout this morning, I had a hard time getting out of my car. It was so sad, that it bordered on being comical

I've been told that today is the absolute worst day by others who have gone through the program. That its part of the detox and it only gets better from here. I certainly hope so. A few more days like this and I'd really have to think hard about throwing in the towel.

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