My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Monday, November 08, 2004

I Survived Week1

Week 2:


Today was my 2nd meeting with my dietician.  Drum roll please……. 308.8lbs.  Net drop of 11.2 lbs in the last six days.  Yes I know this is not sustainable.  Yes I know this is mostly ‘water’ weight.  But damn it feels good to see the scale start to move in a different direction.  For the last few years I was convinced they were all programmed to go in one direction only.


After spending the last week eating lots of shakes (yuck) and protein, I can say two things.  1) I use to thing raspberries were all-that, but in fact strawberries are better.  The little tiny seeds that you get from raspberries really start to screw with you.  And 2) a real BBQ grill beats a George Forman hands down.  While the Forman grill is okay for grilling chicken or even salmon at times, it really does suck when it comes to beef.  The BBQ grill add flavor and texture to the meat which you just can’t beat.


Now I get to add Vegetables to my diet.  Holy-cow.  Two weeks ago I would never have been looking forward to veggies, but for the love of all that’s holy, getting some color into my meals is going to make a big difference. So today I’ll add some salad fixings during my lunch and I think I’ll even do some broccoli or peas for dinner.



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