My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The Excercise Regime

Week: 2


Today was a tough workout session.  I managed to stay on the Stairmaster an entire 20 mins.  That was equal to 47 flights of stairs.  Damn I hate this machine with a passion, but I noticed that after 10 mins it stopped feeling awkward.  I slowly got into a rhythm and was able to keep it going.  Emily (my trainer) was impressed that I managed to do 20 mins.  I wasn’t sure what the big deal was, but she said some of her other clients had taken a very long time before they could do it.


We hit the Elliptical pretty hard afterwards to finish out the cardio. 



Strength Training


A key part of the workout program on 20/20 is building up lean muscle mass to supplement the cardio work.  Emily has me doing the following:


Leg Press

Leg Curls

Seated Row

Chest Press

Lat Pulldowns

Bicep Curls

Tricep Extensions

And the two that I hate: ab crunches and lower-back strengthening.


Today we did two sets of 20 of the ab crunches.  When I was done my stomach muscles were actually freaking out.  It was a little scary as I’ve never felt anything like that before. It was like they were spasming involuntarily, and were of course very weak, so sitting up was hard.


After my ab muscles settled down we did ‘supermans’.  I now hate Superman.  This damn exercise has tarnished the image of a pretty good guy.  Basically I lay on the floor like Superman, and lift up with my arms and legs to try and form a “U” shape.  When you’re as plump as I am, there is no “U” shape happening.  But I can feel the back muscles really working when we do these, so I’ll assume they are doing some good.



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