My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Monday, November 15, 2004

The Start of Week 3

Week: 3

Original Weight: 320lbs
Last Week: 308.8
This Week: 304.8

I lost four more pounds this last week. After the 11lbs last week, it feels like a let down. My dietician told me that 'safely' people should not really lose more the 1% of their body weight per week, but I had done 'really good' losing 4lbs. I don't think she understood in one quick sentence she totally contradicted herself.

One small tweak 'authorized' to the meal plan for this week. I can now have unlimited vegetables. I've been having a hard time getting the 4 servings I'm suppose to be having so I don't think this will make a huge difference.

Also, in studying my meal-tracker she noticed a few spots where I didn't have my 5th shake for the day, which is keeping me below my 1500cal minimum. My goal for the week is to stomach all five shakes, keep my calls between 1600 and 1700 and see if I can lose another 4 lbs for next week. (Side goal, bust below 300 by the time Turkey day hits.)

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