My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Surprise!......I don't hate working out.

Week: 3

It first happened a couple of days ago after my workout on Monday. I stepped out of the ProClub with a bit of a bounce in my step. I felt energized and looking forward to the rest of the day. Contrast this to the previous 11 workouts where I would exit the club wishing for an earthquake to occur which would level the place.

Today I woke up a few mins early (at 5:10 instead of 5:20) and without a thought of trying to grab those last ten minutes of sleep, I jumped out of bed and was looking forward to getting the workout in. I’m sure this will be a fleeting feeling, but either way it’s a good one to have right now.

The scale shows I’ve dropped a few more pounds already, but I’ll have to wait for the official weigh-in until next Wednesday. My dietician has pushed out our appointment a few days so I can weigh in right before Thanksgiving. Hopefully I’ll be at 299lbs or less by then.

Interesting fact:

According to LifeForm, the software I use to track my food and workouts:

Average Calories Intake: 1468/day
Average Calories Burned: 3815/day*

Difference == 2347 cal / day

*LifeForm’s has a builtin BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) calculator but you can compute your own here
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