My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Thursday, November 18, 2004

1 on 1 Therapy

Week: 3

In addition to the group counseling which I mentioned below, 20/20 participants also go through individual therapy sessions with a counselor (I believe some are also licensed therapists).

The first one happens before you even start the program. In my own opinion, I think this one is geared more towards weeding out those who should not be signing up for a structured program like this. The counselors will probe on simple stuff like what stresses are in your life, where are you in your project cycle at work, what travel plans do you have. They also look for motivation on why you want to do this. I don't know if there are any 'wrong' answers on the motivation part but I was careful to make sure I provided 'reasonable' answers that I thought wouldn't raise any eyebrows. I didn't want to be denied entry at all.

Subsequent meetings occur on an every 3 or 4 week basis. I just had my 2nd session with my therapist Sara. The meeting was a bit ackward, as I tend to provide simple Yes/No, or short answers to her questions but I could feel her wanting me to express myself a lot more. I caved and actually had to work hard to provide more discussion on my part. She seemed happy with my answers.

It's not that I wanted to run counter to what she was asking. It's just that I felt like I was on-track from the three angles of the program (diet, excercise and group theraphy) so what more did I need to talk about? In the end we talked for about 35 or 40 mins of our hour meeting.

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