My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Okay.... I've come to like the Shakes.

Week: 3

I never thought I'd be saying this but I no longer hate the shakes. As the weeks have gone by I've started to acquire a taste for them. My new favorite flavor is Chocolate with Strawberries. I know below I sung the praises of rasberries, and I still like the flavor of rasberries, but the damn little seeds get stuck on in my teeth and are generally just a pain in the butt.

I've also found a new mixture that works well.... Chocoloate Mocha. Here's my recipe for these:

  1. 1 Packet of Chocolate Protein Mix
  2. 1 Cup (8oz) of cold water
  3. 1 Cup (8oz) of crushed ice
  4. 1 tablespoon of instant coffee

Mix with a good blender and voila.... a rather tasty Chocolate Mocha.

The Instant Coffee does have some caffeine, and for some people this is not allowed, but I've put the foot down on giving up single shot espresso's and the occaisonal spoonful of instant coffee mix.

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