My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Friday, November 19, 2004

Words you don't want to hear from your trainer: "Let's try going up a level"

Week: 3

Progression is good, but it can also be painful. As I mentioned earlier the Stairmaster machine is a spawn of the devil. I've been cruising along for the last two weeks on level 3. I'm was able to get through 20 mins of it without keeling over and without my heart-rate exceeding my training range. (My training range is from 147bpm to 167bpm)

My reward for this great progress of not dying while doing the Stairmaster is for my trainer take it up to level 4 on me. Here we go again. Back to more pain and effort to get 20 mins of it in before we get to jump onto another machine.

She's been doing this as well on the weightlifting. We do 6 or 7 different machines, with the goal of 1 set of 20 repetitions. I'm goal oriented so I work really hard to get in the full 20 reps. The problem of course is that if I can do 20 this time, she'll probably increase the weight a bit next time to get the count down. (Or I have to get stronger in the 48 hours between sessions to still get in the 20 reps). So far I think I've been doing the 'getting stronger' part, as we've only hit a few times when I couldn't get in all 20, even though each session she's always bumping up the weights.

It's not that I don't appreciate what she's doing. And I don't think she gets perverse pleasure from seeing me in pain. I do enjoy the progression and I'm glad she's there to push me, as I can see how easy it would be to shave a few minutes of time off during the cardio, or to keep the weights at an easier level if there wasn't someone watching over me.

I think the trainers have to walk a pretty gray line between pushing and punishing. Emily has been doing it well for me so far. This of course doesn't stop me from cringing when I hear her say "let's try going up a level" as I mount a machine for some cardio work.
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