My 20/20 Lifestyles Blog

This is a place to keep my thoughts on going through the 20/20 program at The Pro Club (

Monday, December 06, 2004

Start of Week 6

Week: 6

Start Weight: 320lbs
Last Week: 300.8lbs
This Week: 296.4lbs

Total Lost: 23.6lbs

I dropped 4.8 pounds even this week. I'm super excited. I've been keeping my calories 'up' to about 1620 to 1650 each day.

I'm having trouble getting in at least 3 shakes a day now. As I've started to take in my calories from other foods it is becoming very easy to just forget about the shake and to have a yogurt or pack of soy-nuts instead.

Emily has pushed me up to level FIVE on the Stairmaster and it again is kicking my ass. Today she thought we could go to level six but I had to say 'no-way'. We only went to level five three sessions ago.

My resting heartrate has dropped as well to 61 from 87. This cuts my training zone down to 135 to 162 (it was at 147 to 167). But even with a reduced zone, it didn't stop Emily from having me do intervals on the bike this morning. At the last interval I was pedaling at 130rpm and my heartrate was just above 180. That's only 7bpm short of 'theoretical maximum of 187bmp (220 - age).

I met with the doctor to formally go over the 5 week results. Surprisingly he had little to say. "keep up the good work." "Don't take the measurements too literally." (each person may put the tape measure in slightly different spots giving slightly different results.).

I got fruits added to the diet. I'll have to go out and get some Tangerines, Pineapples and grapes.
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